About Wild Love's Adoptions of 2019 Challis Wild Horses
As per our mission, Wild Love Preserve is adopting and purchasing the Challis-Idaho wild horses from the 2019 BLM roundup not otherwise adopted, and as we did following the 2012 Challis roundup. Our first group of 24 arrived in late July, bringing our number of permanent residents to 165. The second group of 20 wild Challis mares in September 2021. Once with us, all of our Challis-Idaho wild horses live a forever life of wildness together on their native turf in Idaho at Wild Love Preserve. We do not adopt out or gentle. While we continue fundraising to secure our permanent home and subsequent move, our Plan B due to the Covid pandemic is in full swing at our leased 400-acres. We are raising funds for our modified logistics, increased supplemental winter hay, daily operations, and our new family members. Wild Love Preserve is made possible by grants, donations, and sponsors.
This is a WE project and the difference you make with your support helps us do what we do for these wild wonders and their lasting wildness. Thank you so very much.
100% of every donation helps fund our boots-on-the-ground work with Idaho’s wild horses on home turf. If you prefer to donate stock and those tax benefits, please visit: bit.ly/wlp-donate-stock